Biblical Studies - New Testament

Courses that critically examine the literature, language and impact of the New Testament


BSNT 221 01: New Testament Greek I
3 crs.

It is impossible to plumb the depths of the New Testament without knowledge of the language in which it was written. This course, then, is an inductive study of New Testament Greek. It focuses on reading the Greek New Testament, specifically 1 John. Along the way, vocabulary, grammar, and syntax are discussed. Furthermore, principles and tools for New Testament exegesis are introduced.

BSNT 222 01: New Testament Greek II.
3 crs.

This course continues the inductive study of New Testament Greek set forth in New Testament Greek I. It focuses on reading and exegeting the Greek New Testament. Greek vocabulary, grammar, and syntax will continue to be discussed. Furthermore, principles and tools for New Testament exegesis are introduced. A notebook of translation will be kept, and an exegetical paper will be submitted. Prerequisites: New Testament Greek I

BSNT 230 01 - New Testament Critical Introduction.
3 crs. 
"New Testament: A Critical Introduction" (NTCI) attempts to orient you to the critical (i.e. academic rather than devotional) study of the NT (i.e. those 27 books that comprise the second and last major section of the Protestant Christian Bible). The course's overall aim is to equip you to plumb the depths of the NT for the tasks of Christian ministry (e.g. preaching, teaching, counseling, administration). 

BSNT-300. New Testament Greek III.
3 crs.

Study of the New Testament, the Septuagint, and early Christian Greek literature, with selected body of readings from this range of writings in keeping with the student's preparation.

BSNT-303. Readings in Biblical Greek III.
3 crs.

An intermediate level readings course in Greek texts of the New Testament and the Septuagint. Following an intensive grammar review, students will strengthen vocabulary through regular translating exercises. Prereqs.: BSNT-221 and BSNT-222.

BSNT-305. The Life and Teachings of Jesus.
3 crs.

Treats demythologizing and other contemporary approaches to the life of Jesus, along with an assessment of the Dead Sea scriptures.

BSNT 310 01: Pauline Thought.
3 crs.
African Americans have had an ambivalent relationship with the apostle Paul, principally because of his words in Colossians and Ephesians: "Slaves, obey your masters." But what did this man think, and how has his thought been interpreted by those of African descent? This course attempts to plumb the soul of the apostle Paul, who is credited with 13 letters in the New Testament and who has contributed significantly to Christian theology. We will look closely at these letters as well as those who have commented on him, especially by those of African descent. Our emphasis will be on exegesis, that is, critical analysis of the Pauline letters, as well as analysis of the analysis of his letters. Prerequisites:  BSNT-230 New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT-315. Judaism and its Sacred Literature.
1 crs.

Introduces students to major works of Jewish sacred literature and, through it, to Jewish thought and practice. Students will become familiar with different types of Jewish texts and understand their places in Jewish life. Elements of Jewish religious practices and differences between the various movements of Judaism—and between Judaism and Christianity—will be covered.

BSNT-324. Epistle to the Romans.
3 crs.

A detailed exegetical analysis of Paul's epistle to the Romans. Examines the relationship of theology, christology, justification, faith, law, Jews and Gentiles in Romans to the overall purpose of the letter. The major secondary sources on Romans will be critically evaluated.

BSNT-326. Exegesis of Matthew and Luke.
3 crs.

The adaptation of Jesus' traditions in these two Gospels with particular attention to reinterpretations of the Old Testament, parables, and distinctive theological themes. Opportunities to refine skills in exegesis; resources for students to advance the hermeneutical task within the church today. Prereqs.: BSNT-201 and BSNT-202.

BSNT-393. Social Issues and Justice in the New Testament.
3 crs.

A study of biblical perspectives on justice in relation to such social issues as slavery, discrimination, economic exploitation, violence and family life. The delineation of principles for biblical hermeneutical analysis of selected New Testament texts with attention to the supportive literature. Prereqs.: BSNT-201 and BSNT-202.

BSNT-394. Justice and Peace in the New Testament.
3 crs.

The course is designed to explore both the biblical mandate for peace and for its corollary, justice. The aim is to study such texts and supportive literature that help the students gain a better appreciation of the fundamental interrelatedness of these two biblical concerns. In addition, the course seeks to assist students in transposing such biblical mandates into a responsible hermeneutic for social action and justice ministries today.

BSNT 398 01: Miracles in the New Testament.
3 crs.

Miracles in the New Testament (MNT) is an exegetical investigation of the stories, principally in the Gospels and Acts, in which a main character (Jesus in the Gospels or a disciple in Acts) behaves in a way that evokes awe or wonder from minor characters in the story. Such acts are often divided into the categories of healing, exorcism, resuscitation, and nature miracle. The course's overall aim is to equip you to interpret these texts for the tasks of Christian ministry (e.g. preaching, teaching, counseling, administration).  Prerequisites:  BSNT-230 New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT 399/BSNT 599 - Early Ethiopian Christianity.
3 crs.

This course will explore the origins of Christianity in the Nile Valley region of Africa. We will begin with a geographical, historical, and cultural overview of Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia, and analyze the ways in which these places are represented in biblical and extra-biblical sources. We will then survey literary and archaeological sources from different areas of Ethiopia, with special attention devoted to Meroë, the Axumite Empire, and the interactions between these "Ethiopian" empires and other parts of the Greco-Roman world.
By the end of the course, students will understand the historical development of early Ethiopian Christianity, the biblical and extra biblical texts related to this tradition, and the ongoing manifestation of this trajectory of Christianity in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Prerequisites: At least one introductory-level biblical studies course. 

BSNT-400. Topics in Early Christianity.
3 crs.

Seminar analyzing the relationship of early Christian history and the New Testament, with emphasis on such topics as oral tradition, Hellenistic and Jewish presuppositions, the Holy Spirit, and Christology.

BSNT-410. The Book of Revelation.
3 crs.

A detailed examination of the theology and community concerns that shape the revelation according to St. John, against the background of Old Testament and intertestamental literature. The students will conduct a careful review of the history of interpretation regarding the critical problems of this book which represents the most extensive example of the apocalyptic genre in the Bible. Through the use of critical studies and commentaries, students will prepare seminar reports with particular attention to the contemporary relevance of this book which closes the New Testament canon. Prereqs.: BSNT-201 and BSNT-202.

BSNT 415 01: Gospel of John.
3 crs.
The course "The Gospel of John" seeks to engage your "soul," or depths, with the soul of this ancient document that appears as the fourth book in the Christian New Testament. Attention is given to a historical and literary reading of this book, with a keen interest in its significance for the contemporary world. What resources for pursuing peace and social justice in the 21st century does the study of the Gospel of John provide us? Prerequisites:  BSNT-230 New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT 417 01: Gospel of Mark.
3 crs.
An exegetical study of the Gospel of Mark, with particular attention to its narrative, literary, and theological features and emphasis on Jesus’ identity, mission, and discipleship teaching.

BSNT 420 01: Exegesis of the New Testament.
3 crs.
This course is an examination of the broad array of approaches, strategies, models, and tools for in-depth study and interpretation of the New Testament.

BSNT 423 01: Romans and Galatians.
3 crs.
This course "Romans and Galatians" (RomGal) orients you to the critical (i.e. academic rather than devotional) study of two books in the New Testament (i.e. those 27 books that comprise the second and last major section of the Protestant Christian Bible), written by the Apostle Paul. The course's overall aim is to equip you to plumb the depths of these books for the tasks of Christian ministry (e.g. preaching, teaching, counseling, administration). The course focuses on biblical exegesis, that is, critical analysis of Christian scripture. Prerequisites:  BSNT-230 New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT-425. Exegesis of New Testament Epistles: Paul & James.
3 crs.

An examination of the seven undisputed epistles of Paul and the Epistle of James and the ways in which these epistles have been treated in the history of exegesis and biblical interpretation. Prereqs.: BSNT-201 and BSNT-202.

BSNT-427. Exegesis: James and Galatians.
3 crs.

BSNT 430 01: James and the Catholic Epistles.  
3 crs.
A study of New Testament letters addressed to the early Christian churches at large: including James; I and II Peter; I, II, and III John; and Jude.

BSNT 433 01: Corinthian Correspondence
3 crs.
This course will introduce students to the historical, socio-political, cultural, and theological issues that occasioned the letters known as First and Second Corinthians. Special attention will be given to exploring the involvement of women in the Corinthian church (ekklēsia), assessing Paul's views about resurrection and the Lord's Supper, and analyzing Paul's effectiveness as a community builder and pastoral strategist. We will also examine the literary and rhetorical features of the letters, as well as extra-canonical writings associated with the epistolary traditions of this community. Students will be encouraged to identify the implications of these letters for contemporary church discussions and debates dealing with gender, sexuality, and racial/ethnic identity. Analysis of texts in original Greek is strongly encouraged, but not required. Prerequisites:  BSNT-230 New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT-435. Biblical Studies Honors Seminar.
3 crs.

This upper level seminar will trace the history of interpretation of select Bible passages and discuss their historic significance. Students will become acquainted with frontier areas of current research with respect to biblical theology and hermeneutics. Prereq.: Nine (9) hours of Biblical Studies plus cumulative grade point average of 3.50.

BSNT-440. Discipleship in the Synoptic Gospels.
3 crs.

This New Testament course is designed to exegetically explicate the major synoptic passages dealing with the disciples to uncover their meaning and implications for discipleship. It covers such themes as the nature of and call to discipleship, requirements and demands of discipleship, disciples as learners, and Jesus and the twelve. The ultimate objective of this investigation is to gain a perspective of what discipleship meant for those first followers of Christ and thereby gain insights into what it can mean for 20th century disciples.

BSNT-515. New Testament D.Min. Seminar: Hermeneutics on Race/Ethnicity, Class and Family.
3 crs.

With attention to the synoptic gospels, the thirteen Pauline epistles and the Catholic epistles, this course will focus on the interpretive meaning of selected texts as they bear upon the issues of race/ethnicity, class and family. The students will conduct detailed analyses on passages in order to discern their implications for ministry in global contexts today. Each student will be expected to make a seminar presentation and then refine the work into a final research paper for the seminar. Each student will be further expected to maintain a course notebook on assigned readings.

BSNT 524 81: Historical Jesus.
3 crs.
The course "The Historical Jesus" seeks to engage your "soul," or depths, with the soul of Jesus of Nazareth, the man who lived in Palestine in the first third of the first century of the Common Era. ("Jesus" will be distinguished from "Christ," the latter of which is considered by Christians as living Lord and Savior.) Attention is given to the sources for the study of Jesus, his career (esp. his teaching and actions), his death, and his significance for the contemporary world. What resources for pursuing peace and social justice in the 21st century does the study of the historical Jesus provide us? Prerequisites: New Testament Critical Introduction

BSNT-525. The Historical Jesus.
3 crs.

BSNT-565. Biblical Hermeneutics and the Black Church.
3 crs.

What biblical texts, social issues, or themes lend themselves to enhancing ministry in the Black Church tradition? Combining exegesis with an examination of hermeneutical principles, this course studies the Bible in relation to the topics of race, ancient Africa, social stratification and household patterns. Emphasis is given to the New Testament and its allied literature. Students evaluate recent trends in biblical theology and studies by Black Bible scholars. Prereq.: Nine (9) hours of Biblical Studies.