THES-300. Master of Arts in Religious Studies Supervised Reading and Research.
1 cr.
This course allows students to complete their theses once they have finished all other degree requirements. 

THES-375. MARS Colloquy.
3 crs.
The MARS Colloquy includes contemporary readings in religious and theological studies. Research and writing methodologies will be emphasized to enable students to develop their MARS thesis research proposals. Students will prepare and present seminar papers in class based upon these proposals. In consultation with students and potential faculty supervisors, the MARS colloquy leader will assign an appropriate thesis advisor to each student. 

THES-378. MARS Thesis
3 crs.
Research and writing in the area of concentration is required of all students in the M.A. degree program. Working under faculty supervision, the student’s thesis shall be an in-depth study of a given subject which reflects the use of sound research methodology, good critical judgment, clarity of expression, and proper form.

THES-380. Directed Study
3 crs.
Student-proposed reading and research project, culminating in a written work supervised and assessed by professor.

THES-400. Master of Divinity Major Paper Preparation.
3 crs.
Under faculty supervision, the degree candidate is guided towards the completion of an approved written work.

THES-475. Major Paper Seminar: Master of Divinity.
1 cr.
For the professor who is simultaneously supervising several students, this seminar brings these students together for instruction and peer discussion, as the professor guides each of them towards the completion of an approved written work

THES--500. Doctor of Ministry Project Preparation.
3 crs.
Under faculty supervision, the degree candidate is guided towards the completion of an approved written work.

THES--503. Project Methodology.
1 cr.
Under faculty supervision, the degree candidate is guided towards the completion of a plan for the ministry project. 

THES--510. Doctor of Ministry Research and Writing.
3 crs.
This seminar introduces Doctor of Ministry students to processes and methods in the scholarship of ministry. The seminar provides an overview of the research process in ministry – from conceptualization to collection and analysis of data, interpretation and reflection on the findings discovered in research – and the scholarly presentation of these findings in written manuscript. The goal is to prepare students to compose quality ministry research proposals.

THES--515. Research Methodology.
3 crs.
This course guides students in the identification of issues and formulation of research questions in contexts of ministry and the design of appropriate applied research, including the types of resources, bibliography, and quantitative and qualitative methods that can be used for various innovations and initiatives in ministry.